With success comes responsibility. For your own workforce and for your customers. The greatest possible safety in operations is therefore indispensable. We see safety as an integral part of your processes and support you in implementing a suitable safety solution. Our portfolio includes products and solutions for personal, machine and production safety. Whether it's a safety fence, safety switch, safety mat, safety door handles, laser scanner or safety controller - we can advise you on the safety component or complete solution that fits your application.
Product range Safety
Schmachtl's functional and efficient safety systems reduce accidents to zero. With 20 years of experience and an extensive product portfolio, Schmachtl offers the optimal safety solution from safety concept to implementation.
How light curtains with space-saving...
How innovation and productivity can be...
Laser vs. radar: safety concepts at a...
Only a safe machine is a good machine....
The End of Caging: The New Work with...
Only a safe machine is a good machine