How to make an event safe despite...
Reliable and accurate location of people and objects in industrial environments
When we talk about the Industrial Internet of Things, digital factories or Industry 4.0 these days, we assume that "things" will interact and communicate with each other fully automatically in the future.
To make the vision of the smart factory come true, we need to know the exact location and status of relevant objects within a factory. The open edge platform KINEXON RIoT (Real-time Internet of Things) digitizes all objects involved in the logistics or production process and enables a fully automated interaction in real time.
The KINEXON RIoT platform is enriched by data from RTLS (Real-Time Location System). This uses small sensors to record the 3D location and status of all objects to the nearest centimeter. The processing of the location context thereby enables entirely new analyses.
The result: significant productivity improvements through full transparency as well as real-time optimization and automation of all industrial processes.
Savings and efficiency gains.
KINEXON's real-time localization system enables seamless, disruption-free, centimeter-level tracking of all 'things' involved in the flow of materials and production in real time. In addition, the localization data can be analyzed live via a real-time IoT platform and controlled in value-added applications.
KINEXON's real-time localization system enables seamless, disruption-free, centimeter-level tracking of all 'things' involved in the flow of materials and production in real time. In addition, the localization data can be analyzed live via a real-time IoT platform and controlled in value-added applications.
KINEXON keeps the road clear for BMW's driverless transport systems
The autonomous transport systems are given intelligent and flexible control by KINEXON. Reliable, even in difficult environments, KINEXION ensures increased efficiency and cost savings through route optimization.
Intelligence for autonomous navigation.
The KINEXON solution consists of 2 components:
Real-time location systems operate on a radio basis and reliably transmit position data of people and objects within a specified time span.
Ultra wideband describes is a high-performance radio technology that enables data streams with a latency of less than 50ms.
- Process up to 500,000 data points per second with minimal latency (<50ms)
- Ability to process, correlate and convert data from multiple sources (e.g. RFID, barcode, MES) into real-time events
- Edge computing as a key technology for integrating different systems
- Hardware-independent real-time platform. Facilitates interchangeability and interoperability
Product benefits
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