Protective fences and doors
Complete portfolio of high-performance components and systems for human safety.
Effiziente Sicherheitslösungen mit Schutzzäunen
Schaffen Sie einen sicheren Arbeitsplatz mit einem maßgeschneiderten Konzept von uns und erfüllen Sie alle Sicherheitsvorschriften. Reduzieren Sie das Risiko von Unfällen mit Schutzzäunen.
Wir bieten Ihnen eine individuelle Komplettlösung mit den einfach und schnell installierbaren Schutzzäunen von Satech. Erhalten Sie auch die dazu passenden Schutztüren und Wandelemente. Erhöhen Sie die Sicherheit Ihrer Anlage mit Sicherheitsschaltern , Sicherheits-Lichtvorhang und Mehrstrahlige Sicherheits-Lichtschranken.
Unsere kompetente Beratung zu Schutzzäunen
Sprechen Sie mit unseren Sicherheitsexpert:innen über Ihre Anforderungen.
Wir unterstützen Sie bei der Planung und helfen Ihnen Ihr Schutzzaunsystem optimal aufzubauen. Unser Schmachtl Safety Team zeigt Ihnen, welche qualifizierten Komponenten Sie benötigen, um alle Sicherheitsvorschriften zu befolgen.
Maßgeschneiderte Schutzzäune für Ihre Anwendung
Wir sind Ihr verlässlicher Partner in der Maschinen- und Anlagensicherheit. Mit unserer langjährigen Erfahrung im Sicherheitsbereich erstellen wir Ihnen rasch ein komplettes Sicherheitskonzept.
Einfache Montage
Sparen Sie Zeit mit den einfach montierten Schutzzäunen von Satech. Sollten trotzdem die Ressourcen fehlen, übernehmen wir auch die komplette Montage.
Für kundenspezifische Anforderungen können wir Sonderlösungen anbieten. Diese umfassen spezielle Konstruktionen, die Kombination mit anderen Produkten aus dem Safety-Portfolio, Sonderfarben und -ausführungen (Vollblech, Polycarbonat, Schweißschutzfolien etc.).
Profitieren auch Sie von unserem Know-how für eine effiziente Absicherung
Von Schutzzäunen bis hin zu den dazugehörigen Türsystemen stehen Ihnen unsere Sicherheitsexpert:innen in vier Niederlassungen in Linz, Graz, Innsbruck und Wien zur Verfügung.
Unsere Mitarbeiter:innen beraten Sie in Bezug auf Systemauswahl, Zugangsarten und deren Absicherung, Schutzzaunhöhen und Montagemöglichkeiten.
Nutzen Sie unsere regionale Expertise und senden Sie uns Ihre Anforderungen für Ihre Maschinen- und Anlagensicherheit. Wir vermessen bei Ihnen vor Ort den geplanten Verlauf Ihres Zaunes und unterstützen Sie bei der Verbesserung Ihrer Absicherung.
Wir zeichnen den Schutzzaunverlauf gerne auch nach Ihrer CAD-Zeichnung. Eine Handskizze reicht schon aus. Gerne stellen wir Ihnen im Anschluss die STEP-Files zur Verfügung.
Je nach Kundenwunsch bieten wir die folgenden Montagearten:
Sie verfügen über ausreichend Ressourcen und Know-how, um den Schutzzaun selbst aufzubauen?
Gerne liefern wir Ihnen lediglich die Komponenten inklusive Aufbauanleitung und Sie übernehmen die Montage.
Montage mit Expert:innen
Sie haben das nötige Personal für den Aufbau, benötigen aber Unterstützung von unserem Serviceteam?
Mit unseren Expert:innen sparen Sie Zeit und können auf einen effizienten Aufbau des Schutzzaunes vertrauen.
Komplette Montage
Unser qualifiziertes Serviceteam führt die komplette Montage Ihrer Schutzzäune durch.
Zusätzlich übernehmen wir die Anbringung von Sicherheitsschaltern und Türverriegelungen, die Installation von zusätzlicher Sicherheitssensorik und die Durchführung der Verkabelung bis hin zum Schaltschrank.
Satech Schutzzaunsysteme im Überblick
The range of locks:
- Mechanical locks: from simple padlocks to locks with knob or latch to locks with locking and unlocking (push lever or bolt) with anti-panic function. Satech mechanical locks are equipped with components of the highest quality and integrate perfectly with our panels.
- Locks with tumbler: locks with interlock activate the shutdown of the machine in case of door opening, preventing the operation of the machine until the door is closed and / or operation is restored by mutual agreement. Due to the cooperation with the main manufacturers in this sector, we can offer you a suitable solution according to your risk analysis.
Adapta Guard
General information about Adapta Guard:
Adapta Guard is a frameless modular protection system, ideal for all applications with high risk of mechanical impact. The frameless panel, stiffened with transverse beads, is made with 4 mm wire. It is fixed to 50 x 50 mm posts by means of robust captive fasteners. The square base with high strength and weight stabilizes the support during assembly.
Adapta Guard is quick to assemble: a single prop for linear, angle or door assembly reduces preparation time; the generously sized brackets facilitate the use of screwdriving tools; ultimately, the absence of a frame allows for quick adjustment of panel dimensions directly on site should unforeseen adjustments arise.
- Stand: 50 x 50mm
- Panels: Profiled grid
- Mesh: 32 x 68 x 4mm
- Painting: Powder coating (suitable for interior applications only)
- Transverse beading
Widths: 196, 292, 676, 772, 996, 1188, 1476, 1988 mm
Height: 2080, 2490 mm
Safety doors
A comprehensive and diverse range of safety doors:
Wing door
Standard hinged door. Rotation is by two hinges and limited by a magnetic stop of the latest generation.
Available in version
Openings from 700mm to 3,000 mm
Folding door
A hinged door that can be opened to save space. The opening radius of the two door leaves reduces after the latch is unlocked and the two leaves are folded on each other.
Available in version
Single leaf
-Double leaf
Openings from 1400mm to 6,000 mm
Door with guides
Sliding doors with top guide or bottom guide, which can withstand the tire pressure of forklift and pallet truck.
Available in the versions:
Single sliding door with top guide
-Opposite sliding door with top guide
Single sliding door with bottom guide
-Acounter sliding door with bottom guide
Openings from 700mm to 3,000 mm
- Free access door
Sliding doors with low friction telescopic guides. The absence of a top or bottom guide leaves the passage completely free.
Available in the versions:
-Single sliding door with telescopic guide
-Opposite sliding door with telescopic guide
-Guideless sliding door
-Acounter-guideless sliding door
Openings from 700mm to 6,000 mm
- Lifting doors, swinging doors and doors with motor drive
Doors combine a rotary and a sliding movement of the panels. They are specially designed for the installations where a large opening and a reduced overall dimension in the open position are required.
The multilevel doors are available in manual or electric drive versions and are specially designed for very large openings.
The range of locks:
- Mechanical locks: from simple padlocks to locks with knob or latch to locks with locking and unlocking (push lever or bolt) with anti-panic function. Satech mechanical locks are equipped with components of the highest quality and integrate perfectly with our panels.
- Locks with tumbler: locks with interlock activate the shutdown of the machine in case of door opening, preventing the operation of the machine until the door is closed and / or operation is restored by mutual agreement. Due to the cooperation with the main manufacturers in this sector, we can offer you a suitable solution according to your risk analysis.
System Basic
General information about System Basic:
A production process should be as efficient as possible. If a machine or system is safeguarded, people cannot enter the production area without first shutting down the machine. We want to optimize your processes for you so that your employees are safe in the production areas, while being effective and costing less. That's why we offer solutions and products that ensure your maximum safety and increase productivity.
- Stand: 40 x 40mm
- Panels
- Frame 20 x 20mm
- Grid 22 x 100 x 3mm - Painting: powder coating (only for interior) in various RAL colors
- Quick mounting clips, up to 15% more time savings
- Both patented clip fastening and classic screw connection
- Step either screwed and height adjustable or optionally with welded base
- Width: 200, 300, 700, 800, 1000, 1200, 1500 mm
- Heights: 960, 1260, 1500, 1900 mm
Schutztüren für den optimalen und sicheren Zugang zu Ihren Maschinen und Anlagen
The range of locks:
- Mechanical locks: from simple padlocks to locks with knob or latch to locks with locking and unlocking (push lever or bolt) with anti-panic function. Satech mechanical locks are equipped with components of the highest quality and integrate perfectly with our panels.
- Locks with tumbler: locks with interlock activate the shutdown of the machine in case of door opening, preventing the operation of the machine until the door is closed and / or operation is restored by mutual agreement. Due to the cooperation with the main manufacturers in this sector, we can offer you a suitable solution according to your risk analysis.
Adapta Guard
General information about Adapta Guard:
Adapta Guard is a frameless modular protection system, ideal for all applications with high risk of mechanical impact. The frameless panel, stiffened with transverse beads, is made with 4 mm wire. It is fixed to 50 x 50 mm posts by means of robust captive fasteners. The square base with high strength and weight stabilizes the support during assembly.
Adapta Guard is quick to assemble: a single prop for linear, angle or door assembly reduces preparation time; the generously sized brackets facilitate the use of screwdriving tools; ultimately, the absence of a frame allows for quick adjustment of panel dimensions directly on site should unforeseen adjustments arise.
- Stand: 50 x 50mm
- Panels: Profiled grid
- Mesh: 32 x 68 x 4mm
- Painting: Powder coating (suitable for interior applications only)
- Transverse beading
Widths: 196, 292, 676, 772, 996, 1188, 1476, 1988 mm
Height: 2080, 2490 mm
Safety doors
A comprehensive and diverse range of safety doors:
Wing door
Standard hinged door. Rotation is by two hinges and limited by a magnetic stop of the latest generation.
Available in version
Openings from 700mm to 3,000 mm
Folding door
A hinged door that can be opened to save space. The opening radius of the two door leaves reduces after the latch is unlocked and the two leaves are folded on each other.
Available in version
Single leaf
-Double leaf
Openings from 1400mm to 6,000 mm
Door with guides
Sliding doors with top guide or bottom guide, which can withstand the tire pressure of forklift and pallet truck.
Available in the versions:
Single sliding door with top guide
-Opposite sliding door with top guide
Single sliding door with bottom guide
-Acounter sliding door with bottom guide
Openings from 700mm to 3,000 mm
- Free access door
Sliding doors with low friction telescopic guides. The absence of a top or bottom guide leaves the passage completely free.
Available in the versions:
-Single sliding door with telescopic guide
-Opposite sliding door with telescopic guide
-Guideless sliding door
-Acounter-guideless sliding door
Openings from 700mm to 6,000 mm
- Lifting doors, swinging doors and doors with motor drive
Doors combine a rotary and a sliding movement of the panels. They are specially designed for the installations where a large opening and a reduced overall dimension in the open position are required.
The multilevel doors are available in manual or electric drive versions and are specially designed for very large openings.
The range of locks:
- Mechanical locks: from simple padlocks to locks with knob or latch to locks with locking and unlocking (push lever or bolt) with anti-panic function. Satech mechanical locks are equipped with components of the highest quality and integrate perfectly with our panels.
- Locks with tumbler: locks with interlock activate the shutdown of the machine in case of door opening, preventing the operation of the machine until the door is closed and / or operation is restored by mutual agreement. Due to the cooperation with the main manufacturers in this sector, we can offer you a suitable solution according to your risk analysis.
Ihr einfacher Weg zu einer sicheren Maschine/Anlage
Kontaktieren Sie unser Schmachtl Safety Team für ein kostenloses persönliches Gespräch.
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